The Outreach Worker supports pupils with transitions throughout their school journey; this includes transition for new into care, emergency moves and natural transitions such as starting Reception, moving to Secondary School and Post 16 education.
AfC Virtual School believe that successful transition for Looked After Children incorporates joint working with foster carers, schools and our partners in social care. Change can often be difficult and often these changes can be even more challenging for Looked After Children, this is why we aim to begin transition planning at the earliest possible stage to ensure that plans can be put in place and pupils feel at ease and ready to begin the next part of their educational journey.
The Outreach Worker has a comprehensive action plan for transition planning which is followed each school term. More detail can be found on the AfC Virtual School Transition Flow Charts. (See attachments below to download a copy).
Our aspiration is that with supported, attachment aware, transitions students will engage more successfully in their education, teachers will be more fully informed of prior attainment and future outcomes will improve.