Personal Education Plans
What is a PEP?
The challenges around the education of children in care are well documented. In order to raise outcomes the Government introduced Personal Education Plans to drive forward educational improvements and provide enriched life chances.
It is a statutory requirement for Virtual Schools, Schools and Social Workers to provide school age students in care with three Personal Education Plan reviews a year and for these to include SMART, educationally focused, targets.
AfC Virtual School oversees the administration and quality assurance of electronic Personal Education Plans (ePEPs) to pupils from the year prior to starting school to the end of Year 13.
Who should attend an ePEP meeting?
The ePEP meeting is arranged by the Social Worker as they are best placed to know who can be invited. The following parties must always attend an ePEP:
• Designated Teacher
• Social Worker
• Carer
Where possible it is strongly advised that the young person attends. The student can lead the ePEP if appropriate.
This is an opportunity to celebrate achievement and praise the young person for their progress. There are sometimes valid reasons why a pupil does not wish to attend. In these cases their opinion should be sought by professionals in advance of the meeting.