Further information on Pupil Premium Plus
Strategic Pupil Premium Plus
Fast Tomato
Fast Tomato has been created to help young people broaden their prospects and consider career aspirations. Fast Tomato motivates young people to consider options they may previously have thought were unattainable by opening up a rich world of course and career opportunities. Fast tomato is the most popular online careers programme which has helped millions to make career choices. Students take part in a psychometric questionnaire which measures interest, attitudes and motivation. They are offered personalised career and education suggestions and have access to an impartial advisor to help them make informed decisions about their future. The young person is able to reflect and construct action plans and targets to plan their subject and career exploration. Click here to view their website.
TLC Live Tuition
This is an online tutoring service which is available to our children in care and offers Maths, English, EAL support by a Qualified Teacher. Students are able to interact with the Teacher via the internet and will be monitored through an initial, mid and end assessment. Lessons can be arranged to suit the student, whether as a part of the time table, after school or evening lesson. TLC Live Tuition supports students as part of an intervention, booster class and transition strategy to raise their attainment. Click here to view their website.
Radio Aspire Youth (RAY)
We are proud to announce AfC Virtual School own a portable radio station. This is a radio show for children in care by children in care. The shows will be able to promote a sense of belonging to Richmond and Kingston looked after children. Students will be able to develop new skills and celebrate achievement. We are working with Radio Jackie, Breakfast show presenter, Neil Long, and our extended production team from CiCC and Social Care and the Virtual School staff. Our fun packed shows are full of showbiz gossip, fascinating facts, interviews, achievements and dilemmas of the week. RAY is available to listen every Wednesday between 6-7pm. AfC Virtual School have taken all necessary safeguarding measures understanding the importance of keeping students who participate safe. Please click here to tune in between 6-7 every Wednesday.
Letterbox is a scheme working with the Book Trust and The Letterbox club we distribute a wide range of reading material with the aim of helping the pupils develop a love of reading and a reading habit. A regular reading habit is more strongly linked to children’s progress in vocabulary, spelling and maths between ages 10-16 than parents’ education or socioeconomic status.
If you would like to register with Letter Box, TLC Live or Fast Tomato or participate in RAY please contact the Virtual School on 0208 831 6037 or via our contact page.