Further Information on Personal Education Plans
Why an electronic PEP?
We work with Welfare Call who provide a secure portal where we can store our ePEP documents. There are many advantages in using an electronic PEP. We have found that these include:
• Quick and efficient communication between partners wherever they are located.
• The facility to store a wide range of additional information to reflect the progress of the young person e.g. reports; photographs; art work; videos of achievements and examples of written work. This treasure trove can be very useful to new schools when young people move through natural or emergency transitions.
• A transparent and accountable method of monitoring pupil progress.
Designated Teachers, Social Workers and their managers all need log in details and can access this information and training from the Virtual School ePEP Champion.
At the Meeting
It is helpful for Designated Teachers to bring evidence and attainment data to support student progress and achievements. This information can be captured in the PEPs. The Designated Teacher Chairs the PEP meeting, although this can be shared with the young person where appropriate. It is important to focus on the positives at the PEP meeting and celebrate any steps forward from the previous PEP.
Please ensure that SMART targets are set which include how learning can be supported at home.
After the Meeting
The Social Worker and Designated Teacher should complete their sections of the ePEP in a timely fashion and enable the Virtual School Assistant Headteacher to approve the document.
There will be issues raised in the meeting which partners should pursue promptly to support the positive experience of the Child in Care.
The ePEP meeting is just the start of the process for all concerned. It is important for the Designated Teacher to monitor the progress to targets and for the Carer to provide support in the home.
Please ensure that all ePEPs show full details of the impact of Pupil Premium Plus expenditure and that this spending is liked to closing gaps in learning outlined in the ePEP targets.
Support from AfC Virtual School
Colleagues in the Virtual School are on hand to provide training and advice; attend ePEPs where needed, attend Professionals Meetings, arrange interventions and ensure delegated Pupil Premium Plus funding is sent to the school.
Setting SMART Targets
What is a SMART Target?
A SMART target is a specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bonded goal which enables a learner to know exactly what is expected of them and how they will know when it has been achieved.
An Example of a SMART Target
Learn your 2, 3, 5 and 7 times tables (specific) by your next ePEP meeting in February (time-bonded). Achieving 80% correct answers in the maths quiz at the end of term (measurable).
This is a good target as long as it is possible for this young person to learn these tables in the time-frame. We would not want to make it too easy to achieve but possible with work. It is important to inject some challenge and aim high. This is a relevant target because we assume that the pupil is studying Maths.
It would also be important to set out how the teacher would support the young person step by step in order to achieve the outcome and what additional activities could be done at home to enhance progress.
A Less helpful Target
‘Improve attendance’.
Improve is rather vague – how much? By when? How does a student know if they are close to achieving the goal – how can they measure their progress?
Additionally, attendance is a behaviour not an educational target. It is definitely a means of achieving a target – if you are not in school you cannot learn! However, it should not be a target in itself as this document is about improving educational outcomes.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Virtual School for support with setting stringent targets that drive forward improvements.
The Virtual School is required to collect information that will support the professional network to understand the mental health and wellbeing of all children in care on an annual basis. Therefore we are asking that the Teacher Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is completed for all children who are looked after by Achieving for Children. The information provided by the SDQ is then reviewed with the wider network during the PEP
meeting and the relevant SDQ section completed on the ePEP.
AfC Virtual School has invested in an online platform to complete and score the SDQ. The questionnaire takes between 5 – 10 minutes to complete. The questionnaire should be completed by the member of staff in the school who knows the young person very well. A guide to how to complete and interpret the SDQ, alongside helpful questions to support thinking prior to and during the PEP can also be found on the ePEP.