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Achieving for Children
AfC Virtual School

Virtual School for the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames, the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
& the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead

Admissions,  Attendance and Exclusions 


Looked after children have been given the highest priority within school admission
arrangements. The admission requirements for looked after children are set out in the
School Admissions Code. This Code applies to maintained schools and academies,
including free schools

 It is the responsibility of the VSH to ensure that:
• admission authorities understand that Fair Access Protocols do not apply to
looked after children and that they are ‘excepted pupils’ in relation to infant class
size regulations
• the local authority, as a corporate parent, does not tolerate drift and delay.  Where
children the authority looks after are without an education placement that is
appropriate to their assessed needs. This includes using their powers of direction
in a timely way rather than delay issuing a direction as a result of protracted
•    The choice of school requires skilled working between relevant people. It should
be based on a discussion between the child’s social worker, their carers and, if
appropriate, birth parents. The VSH should normally be consulted to avoid choosing a
school that is unlikely to meet the child’s needs. Delegated authority about choice of
school should be addressed explicitly in the child’s permanence plan, which is part of
their wider care plan.



AfC Virtual School see attendance as a vital contributor to academic success.  We monitor attendance daily through our partners at Welfare Call and reward students who have improved and outstanding attendance.  We thank Designated Teachers, Social Workers and Carers for championing full attendance at school.

School exclusions
 Local authorities and schools must have regard to the Department’s statutory
guidance Exclusions from maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units in
•    In line with that, headteachers should, as far as possible, avoid excluding any
looked-after child. VSHs should ensure that carers and social workers know where to
seek advice about their role and responsibilities.
•    Where a school has concerns about a looked-after child’s behaviour, the VSH
should be informed and, where necessary, involved at the earliest opportunity. This is to
enable the VSH, working with others, to:
•    Consider what additional assessment and support (such as additional help
for the classroom teacher, one-to-one therapeutic work or a suitable
alternative placement) needs to be put in place to address the causes of the
child’s behaviour and prevent the need for exclusion
•    Make any additional arrangements to support the child’s on-going education
in the event of an exclusion.  (For more information on Exclusion of Looked After Children CLICK HERE)